#1 Indomie ft Dumplings Recipe

By Zara - May 01, 2019

Hi guys! So this would be my first post written in English, because some of my foreign friends in Instagram complained that they actually want me to translate my posts in English. That's why for this simple and fun content I decided to use English, while still considering on doing my next posts "Bilingual". Besides, Cooking has always been my hobby since I was 10. Sharing some of my self-"invented" or "improvised" recipes would be fun to do!

For the very first recipe, I would like to start with a very simple one "Indomie Ideas". As an Indonesian student living abroad, "Indomie" is one of the greatest treasures that you should hunt and have. It's not just a regular instant noodle, somehow it carries a flavor of Indonesia within. Moreover, Indomie also encourages your creative side by creating different ways to enjoy it. Since I am currently living in China, I tried to engaged some of Chinese flavor  in it by mixing it with dumplings, and modify the taste of the soup a bit. I keep the recipe as simple as possible, so that you can recreate it easily.

What you'll need to prepare:
1. 1 pcs of Indomie in Ayam Bawang flavor.
2. 4 pcs of Frozen dumplings.
3. A Carrot and Cucumber.
4. 2 pcs of garlic.
5. Chilies (if you like spicy food).
6. Salt and pepper.

1. Crush the garlic and cut some chilies and carrot as small and as much as you want.
2. Heat a little bit oil inside the pot then stir-fry the ingredients above with a bit of pepper and salt.
3. Pour some water inside the pot and wait until it's boiled.
4. Put the noodle and dumplings inside, add the Indomie seasoning.
5. After the noodle and dumplings are cooked, turn of the stove and add 2 spoons of minced cucumber.


It's easy right?! Don't forget to eat it while it's hot!!

See you on my next recipe!! 🖤🖤🖤

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