Would you like to have coffee with me?

By Zara - May 08, 2018


Halo semuanya (kalau di blog lalu biasa nyapanya "readers"). Finally, akhirnya post pertama dari blog ini tertulis sudah. Bagi yang sudah kenal aku lama, sudah pasti tau perjalan menulis aku dari dulu. Yes, this one might not be my first blog, but it is my first personal blog. Ya, aku memang hobi menulis mulai dari yang gak penting sampe yang (lumayan) penting. Dulu pernah punya blog khusus hijab fashion dan lifestyle di tumblr, blog khusus karya fiksi di wordpress, dan blog-blog lainnya yang aku kerjakan dengan teman-teman which finally harus bubar karena kesibukan masing-masing (walaupun begitu kalau di cari google masih ada). Karenanya, lahirlah ide untuk bikin blog pribadi sendiri ini dan setelah SMA ini pertama kalinya juga pakai situs ini lagi untuk nge-blog.

Motivasi-nya? Aku sengaja bikin blog ini sebagai wadah bertukar pikiran dengan teman-teman yang ada diluar sana. Mengingat sifat introvert-ku yang dominan, merangkai kata jauh lebih mewakili kerja otakku di banding dengan berbicara. Dulu aku bikin blog kejar banget yang namanya view dan followers, ini yah untuk sekedar menuangkan isi otak, berbagi informasi dan pengalaman. Insyaallah selain share ide ekstra-ku dan curhat-curhat tersembunyi, aku juga akan berbagi informasi tentang beasiswa-besiswa yang lewat telinga, terutama CSC seperti yang aku dapat sekarang ini. 

Terus, kenapa temanya mengambil "coffee time" alias waktu ngopi? Jadi di bayangan kepalaku ini, konten blog-ku penyampaiannya mau di bawa santai kayak lagi ngobrol sama temen sambil ngopi. Hehehe. Selain itu, aku juga termasuk wanita caffeine (suka banget ngopi). Buat yang pengen kenal bisa baca sekilas profile aku di halaman about

-( English Translation )-

Hello everyone (I used to call you guys as "readers" in my old blog). Finally, I posted my first post on this blog! For those who already know me a long time, you guys would definitely my long journey of writing. Yup, this might not be my first blog, but this is my first personal blog. Writing has always been my hobby since I was young, I write almost everything from less important content to what I believe a very important content. I used to have a blog which focused on hijab fashion and Islamic lifestyle in Tumblr, a blog contains fiction works on WordPress, and other blogs that I wrote with friends who eventually discontinued due to personal businesses (but you still can Google it). Therefore, I decided to continue writing by opening my personal blog. This is also my first time since high school to use this site again.

My motivation? I deliberately make this blog as a forum to exchange ideas with my friends and people out there. Since I'm more to the introvert side, stringing words reflect my idea better than talking. Insyaallah, in addition to sharing my extra ideas and hidden ventures, I will also share the information about scholarships that I know, especially CSC as I am familiar with it.

Then, why do I choose to use "coffee time" as my blog theme? My idea is that the content of my blog will be delivered in a fun way like the small talks or conversation you're having when drinking coffee with your buddies. Hehehe. In fact, I'm also a coffee heavy lover.

I will see you guys with a bunch of my head's filling. 



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